what can i drink while fasting

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What drinks can I drink while fasting? This is the most popular question my clients have about Intermittent Fasting (IF).  More specifically they ask:

Exactly what drinks can I drink while fasting?

  • Can I drink coffee while fasting?
  • Does stevia or other sweeteners break a fast?
  • What about:
    • Pickle juice
    • Fasting tea
    • Butter or cream in my coffee (bullet proof coffee)
    • Diet sodas like Diet Coke or Coke Zero?
    • And many more!
  • Pin for later: 

drinks that wont break a fast

This article breaks down the facts about what drinks you can have while fasting.

By fasting, I am referring to fasting for health and/or weight loss.  If you are fasting for religious or spiritual reasons, any food and drink will break your fast.
Check with your religious or spiritual leader for clarification on fasting guidelines when fasting for spiritual reasons.

Stay Hydrated

woman drinking water during fasting how much should water should I drink

Staying hydrating is crucial for overall health and especially while fasting.
You should be drinking at least 75 ounces of water each day.
For optimal results, drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water. Example, if you weight 160, drink 80 ounces of water;  120, 60 ounces of water, etc.
It's estimated that about 20-30% of the population is chronically dehydrated. This is sad since even a small amount of dehydration can lead to bloating, constipation, a slowed metabolism, dry skin, inflammation and more.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism states that a  study showed drinking at least 60 ounces of water each day increased the metabolic rate in participants by as much as 30%!

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Why Should You Practice Fasting?

Jason Fung, MD opened my eyes to fasting or IF in his book, The Obesity Code, Unlocking the Secrets Of Weight Loss.

This book also, comes in audio form. You can get your first audible book free here with this link.

Your first premium audio book is free!

Dr Fung, a nephrologist and founder of the Intensive Dietary Management Program, provides treatment focus for type 2 diabetes and obesity.

As a kidney specialist treating obese patients, Dr Fung was desperate to help patients get healthy and stop needing dialysis.

He explains why your body's own insulin is the key to controlling your weight.

Fasting is a way to reduce the amount of insulin released into your blood, which helps reduce insulin resistance.

Think of fasting as a way to cleanse, burn fat and rebuild cells in your body, not just a very powerful tool for weight loss.

Fasting is not a new fad, it has been practiced for years for spiritual cleansing. 

Fasting is one thing that Jesus, Mohammad and Buddha all agreed on. The Bible states not “IF you fast” but “WHEN you fast”.

When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Matthew 6:16

If you're new to fasting you can learn more about all the benefits of fasting in 19 Awesome Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting.

What Are The Basics of Fasting or IF?

This graphic shows a typical day during fasting:

intermittent fasting what can i drink

When fasting, you don't eat or drink anything but water or 0 calorie drinks during your “fasting window”. 

How Do I Know If A Drink Breaks My Fast?

will that drink break my fast?

This can be different from person to person.  What might break a fast for you, may not for me. 
Some people can consume under 25 calories or less than 1 gram of net carbs and not break a fast. For others, insulin is triggered from this small amount, resulting in a broken fast.
Usually a fast breaks when your body releases insulin as a response to the item consumed.  For some, this can be up to 25-50 calories or 1-2 net carbs.  For others, even the taste of something sweet, like stevia on the tongue, can release insulin and break a fast. This seems dependent on your genes and metabolic makeup.
Example – even the taste of sweet gum sweetened with Xylitol can break a fast for some. This was proven in a medical study where the participants spit the sweet tasting fluid out and it still broke their fast. 

The only way to know for sure if you broke your fast is by testing.

The best way to test the response is to use a blood testing meter like the KETO-MOJO Bluetooth Ketone & Glucose Blood Testing Kit you can find here.

Most people should stick to less than 1g of net carbohydrates and 20 calories to keep from breaking a fast. 

What Drinks Can I Drink While Fasting (Strict)?

approved drinks while intermittent fasting

If practicing a strict fast, preferred for ultimate fat loss, the following drinks are allowed for fasting or IF.

Coffee is a great choice since it may suppress your hunger and contains antioxidants, magnesium, lignans and chlorogenic acid.
Dr Fung even points to coffee as being healthier than you would think and goes into details in his book.
He also points out that green tea contains large concentrations of a group of powerful antioxidants called catechins, which may play a role in inhibiting carbohydrate digestive enzymes.  This process can lower glucose levels and protect the pancreatic beta cells.
Polyphenols in green tea are also believed to boost metabolism, which can aid in fat burning. Some studies have even found that green tea can reduce the risk of cancer.
Whenever possible, use organic tea and coffee. If not organic, they are full of pesticides which are not good for your body.

Electrolytes Are VERY Important While Fasting.

drink electrolytes while fasting

Start each morning with the Ultima Electrolytes in a glass of water. This keeps you from getting that dizzy feeling and can eliminate potential headaches. 
When your electrolytes are out of balance, you may experience insomnia, brain fog, irregular heartbeat or palpitations, muscle spasms or cramps and restless leg syndrome.
One serving of Ultima has 0 calories, 0 carbs and provides:
  • Potassium – 250 mg
  • Sodium – 55 mg (needed while fasting and following Keto)
  • Calcium – 65 mg
  • Vitamin C – 100 mg
  • Phosphorus – 70 mg
  • Zinc – 1 mg
  • Magnesium – 100mg

Fasting Tea

start day with fasting tea

Include in your morning routine a fat burning fasting tea.
Heat some water and add a teaspoon of lemon juice or 4 drops lemon essential oil and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.  Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) with the “mother” on the bottom is a great healthy choice. Be sure and shake well before use.
You can also add a pinch of cinnamon to the tea. Some studies show cinnamon can slow gastric emptying which helps you not be as hungry.
If you can't stand the taste of the vinegar, omit it.

This tea won't break your fast and can actually speed up your metabolism to start your day off right.


fat burning tea recipe

What Drinks Can I Drink While Fasting (Medium)?

If you are doing a “medium” type fast and not being quiet as strict, you have a few more options:

All the above in the strict category along with:

  • Bullet Proof Coffee:  Coffee with 2 tablespoons of grass-fed butter, and 1–2 tablespoons of MCT oil
  • Coffee with heavy cream (for some, check your results)
  • Coffee with Stevia

WARNING: MCT oil and butter will disrupt most people's fast.  1 Tablespoon of MCT oil has 100 calories in it, which is over the 20 calorie limit which is most people's threshold.

The stevia can also trigger your stomach to prepare for food and release insulin if the tongue taste anything sweet, including the stevia.

For me, I stay away from this area to not chance breaking my fast.

Diet Drinks While Fasting 

are diet drinks allowed while fasting

Diet drinks are acceptable for some.  For the record, I am NOT a fan of drinks with aspartame due to the side affects of this man made chemical. They also contain artificial coloring that have been linked to cancer.  

When I was experiencing my worse health issues, pain and brain fog, I was drinking 6-7 Diet Cokes a day. (Being a cancer survivor,  I wonder how much this played into it)

I finally broke the addiction of diet coke, and felt better just days after stopping, if you're addicted, you should stop too!

What Can I drink while fasting infographic

Feel free to share the above infographic, giving credit to this site and link back to it. 

The Best Flavored Diet Drinks For Your Health

flavored drinks bai zevia while fasting

Both Zevia and Bai drinks have many different flavors. I drink these during my “eating” window. Sweetened with stevia and erythritol, makes them much healthier choices. 

Bai flavors:

  • Coconut (my fav)
  • Puna Coconut Pineapple
  • Strawberry Lemonade
  • Watermelon
  • Blueberry

Each have about 2 net carbs and 10 calories.

Zevia has many flavors like:

My favorite Zevia is the cola, both decaf and regular and Rootbeer.  I LOVE making a “coke float” with Zevia and Halo Top Ice Cream.  YUM

You can find the Bai drinks at Walmart or Kroger. Zevia is at Whole Foods, Sprouts, Brookshires and Kroger.

Some Amazon links are listed below for your convenience, but I usually find them on sale at the store and stock up.

Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup

sugar not a clean food

Don't drink anything with sugar!

Sugar is not only empty calories and will break your fast, but it's very dangerous for your health. 

You can read more about the dangers of sugar, sugar addiction and how to wean off sugar in Sugar And Heart Disease, Prevent and Reverse (Video).

Worse than sugar?

worse than sugar high fructose corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS). 

HFCS is what you find in can regular sodas.  HFCS is a man made chemical made from genetically modified corn.

Manufacturers use HFCS instead of sugar because it is cheaper and easier to handle.

HFCS and sugar both can increase inflammation.

Inflammation is the common denominator in most health issues including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Read more about the dangers of HFC in 5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You, by Dr Mark Hyman. 

Download your free anti-inflammatory meal plan, including a grocery list and recipes here! 

One time I was drinking the ICE drinks and although the flavors are delicious, I realized they contained Sucralose.  Always, always read your ingredients!

I thought they were just sparkling water and I was wrong. Sucralose is not good for you.

What Drinks Can I Drink While Fasting (Extended)?

will broth break my fast

If you are doing a prolonged or extended fast – over 24 hours, you could add bone broth to your fast.  Watch the serving size, usually 1 cup is a serving.
Bone broth is very high in amino acids as well as minerals. It's best to make your own bone broth at home, but you can buy organic grass fed bone broth that comes close.
Another idea is to add chia seeds to your water.
Chia seeds are high in fiber and omega 3 fatty acids and may act as an appetite suppressant. For dessert the night before fasting, you could have a chia seed pudding that might hold you over longer.
Here is a recipe for Chia Pudding you can try during your eating window. Simple Chia Seed Vanilla Pudding.

What Drinks Can I Have From Starbucks While Fasting?

starbucks drinks while fasting

There is always a question about what can I drink at Starbucks either while fasting or while on Keto.
You could have black coffee and ask them to add a pinch of cinnamon and experiment with other drinks.
If you test and stevia or monk fruit does not break your fast, you could take some with you and add a little to your coffee.
During your eating window, you can order any drinks minus the sweetener and add your own monk fruit. Some Starbucks offer a stevia or monk fruit option at the bar.

What About Alcohol Drinks While Fasting?

alcohol drinks while fasting and keto

Clients often ask about drinking alcohol such as vodka, beer, wine, whiskey, etc. while fasting.
These are all off limits during your fasting window. During your eating window, you also need to be very careful and limit alcohol.
While practicing IF and Keto, alcohol can make you a “light weight”. 
You can read more about this in Keto Diet Review, Before and After and How to Start and see a suggested drink list.  Even a small amount of alcohol can affect you in adverse ways.
My favorite right now is Vizzy Hard Seltzer. They have lots of yummy flavors, all low carb drink with antioxidants and Vitamin C. Just be careful – they tastes so good you may forget they have alcohol in them. Find stores here.
A good Keto friendly drink mix is Skinnies mixes you can find here.  Mix these with some Topo Chico water and vodka and YUM! 
The photo below shows a combo I made in the blender that was low carb and delicious. It's my version of a Keto Pina Colada!
keto alcohol coconut pina colada keto drink
We want the liver to be burning fat. If you are drinking alcohol, the liver has to process the alcohol first, removing it from the body before it can burn fat.
I want my liver to dedicate all its time to burning fat so I save alcohol for special occasions.


What Should I NOT Drink While Fasting?

no soda drinks while fasting

Pretty much anything not listed above should be avoided during your fasting window.

Below are a few drinks for your reference that you should NOT drink while fasting:

  • Sweetened tea
  • Sodas
  • Lemonaide
  • Fancy coffee drinks
  • Lattes
  • Cow's milk
  • Fruit juice
  • Protein shake
  • Celery juice
  • Energy drinks
  • Bang Energy Drink
  • Diet energy drinks
  • Green juice
  • Ginger tea
  • Tea with honey
  • Kombucha
  • Pre work out drinks
  • Recovery / post workout drinks
  • Almond milk & other milk alternatives
  • Coconut water
  • Fruit infused water (except just a little bit of lemon as mentioned above)

What If I Have To Have Something In My Coffee?

drink coffee with cinnamon while fasting

While fasting, if you can't stand black coffee try adding a pinch of pink salt, cinnamon, vanilla extract, almond extract to help with the flavor.
As discussed earlier, some people's genes will allow for a splash of heavy cream or a little coconut (MCT) oil in their coffee without breaking a fast, but some can't.
If you must have sweetener in your coffee, you should adjust your fasting window to stop your fast early.
To stop the fast early and allow for coffee, stop eating at 4 pm the day before and break your fast at 8 am the next morning.  This way you could have butter, heavy cream, monk fruit, stevia and almond milk in your coffee.
Some clients have tried a pinch of salt in their black coffee and it cut the bitter taste for them.

Grab Free Resources By Clicking Here Such As:

  • Keto Eating Out Guide
  • Free 5 Day Video Training – Prepare to Blast Your Belly Fat!
  • 23+ Keto and Gluten Free Recipe Download
  • Keto Snack Ideas
  • Keto Drink Guide
  • MORE


Hope this article helps you on your fasting journey and shed some light on what you can and can't drink while practicing IF.

If you need any of these, click on the picture to order and have it delivered right to your door! 

Keto and IF Combo

Adding Keto to your fasting routine can expedite the fat burning process. You can read FAQs about Keto in Keto Diet Frequently Asked Questions Answered.

You can also find Keto recipes here on the site. 

Let me know below in the comments, do you fast, and if so, what is your favorite drink while fasting?

Keep it healthy!


Medical Disclaimer: I am a certified health coach, not a licensed medical professional and the advice on this page is from my personal experience, health coach certification training or from the experience of my clients. You should talk with your medical professional when seeking advice about a medical condition, new diet or exercise program. 


  1. Hello,
    I usually put 1 scoop of OsteoNaturals Osteo Collagen-Pep in my coffee in the morning. But I realized this morning it had 20 calories ( 5g of protein & 25mg of sodium). Should I hold off on this supplement until I stop fasting?
    Thanks, Sarah

    • Hi Sarah,
      20 calories normally do not break a fast. I think you are prob OK with that. Take care!

  2. Can I have lemon and cucumber in my water what am I allowed to mix in my water as in fruit related that wont break my fast

    • Hi Felicity! Yes, lemon and cucumber in your water is OK. I wouldn’t use other fruit while I was fasting just in case some of the carbs got into the water. Hope this helps with another drink you can have while fasting!

  3. I haven’t tried fasting yet as I’ve been focusing on building my fitness levels. However, this is a super helpful post that I’ve bookmarked to come back to when I do take the plunge to start IF. Thanks

  4. I haven’t tried fasting yet as I’ve been focusing on building my fitness levels. However, this is a super helpful post that I’ve bookmarked to come back to when I do take the plunge to start IF.

    • Awesome Louise. I hope this helps you in your health journey! Fitness is so important too and food and resetting with fasting is a great companion. Take care!

  5. Wonderful post! I have not tried fasting yet. I have been focused on my workouts. This may be just the thing to kickstart my results.

    • Thank you Tiffany! Intermittent fasting has really improved my health. Hope you try it and it helps you too. Take care!

  6. Very informative!! Such a great article. I have personally been doing a lot of research into fasting and IF but haven’t found any articles as in depth as this. I will definitely have to give some of this a try!

    • Awesome Mariah! So glad you enjoyed it and found it helpful. Hope you like some of these drinks you can have while fasting. Best wishes in your IF journey! Take care.


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